A truly awful thought popped into our heads today: Are Jennifer Aniston, whom we loved for years on Friends (though haven't always loved in everything since) and Julia Roberts, who was America's go-to classy lady from 1990 to about 2002, both completely dunzo career-wise?
The Switch was a bomb. Eat Pray Love eat pray sucked. And let's be honest, nobody is expecting either flick to suddenly skyrocket at the box office this weekend.
And now with flicks like Easy A, starring Emma Stone, and You Again, starring soon to be rom-com queen Kristen Bell, guaranteed to spark some interest at the box office, we can't help but worry that these former A-listers have been put out to pasture by the younger crowd...
Julia's flick was supposed to be the belle of the box office, the diamond in a rough summer of Vampires Suck and Piranha 3D. But she barely beat out those two, and she was still beat by The Expendables, sweaty old men with a completely different target demographic.
Where were the girls and women who would have supported Julia had Eat Pray Love come out in 1998?
And what about Jennifer? We've given her chance after chance after chance after, well, you get it (you've done it too!). We've tolerated cheesy romantic comedies in the hopes that the next will be (a) better or (b) will at least star another adorable puppy.
But after the rom-com debacle that was The Switch, is it about time to throw up the white flag and surrender our wallets to a different funnygal (it pains us to say, but...uh, maybe Katherine Heigl?).
The problem with both ladies is that they just haven't found a way to speak to the core moneymakers of today: the Twitter-using, Facebook-friending female audience from ages 12-25.
College-age girls had barely been born when Pretty Woman came out, and they only remember Julia as "that woman from Ocean's 11." But hey, at least their parents can tell ‘em Julia is a good actress.
Jennifer, meanwhile, has her Friends fans, but they are becoming fewer and fewer as the years build up between her last Central Perk appearance and whatever rom-com she's starring in as a quirky everywoman, bumbling her way toward the perfect man.
We really hope these two luscious divas don't fade from the classy-image spotlight, pushed out of the way by other young starlets like Anne Hathaway or Drew Barrymore, and the even younger divas like Lea Michele and Carey Mulligan (not to mention K.Bell and Emma Stone).
Find something to reinvent yourselves with, ladies. How about a television series for Julia? A tearful drama for Jen? Or something the Twilight-loving, Harry Potter-obsessed, JoBro-worshipping crowd can relate to!
Hell, if Betty White can do it, you can too!
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At least she's still fashionable! Fashion Spotlight: Jennifer Aniston
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